PowerSchool is the official student information system for grades and attendance. Go to PowerSchool and log in with your username and password.
To View Grades and Assignment Comments
- On the main Grades and Attendance page, click on the course grade under the S1 column for semester 1 or the S2 column for semester 2 to view the detailed list of graded assignments.
T1/2 = term grades (all but final exam)
E1/2 = final exam grades
S1/2 = all grades (this is the grade that will show on report cards and transcripts)
- If the teacher has made a comment on an assignment, there will be a speech bubble icon . Click View to read the teacher's comment to the student.
To View Attendance
- On the main Grades and Attendance page, the blue numbers indicate the number of absences and tardies the students have for each class.
- Click on the number to view details of the absence or tardy.