Frequently Asked Questions:
- My students get this error: what do I do?
After creating the Turnitin External Tool, go into settings and set the start date, due date, and originality report date. You should enter in due dates in 2 locations: once in creating the External Tool and once within Schoology's Turnitin settings. - There are 2 places to enter due dates. Which one do I use? Use both (or else the error described above may occur). When you first create the assignment, the due date you set will be the one that correlates with the Schoology calendar. To access it again, navigate to the External Tool in Schoology and click on the gear button, then Edit. The other is accessible from the internal settings of the Turnitin tool.
- I want to comment on an essay. Where can I do that? There is a comment feature after opening up the student document, however be aware that this does not notify students of your comment.
- Does the Turnitin External Tool show up in the gradebook? It depends, if you have directly added an External Tool with enabled grading, you will be able to add grades to Schoology gradebook. If you have created an assignment with an attached External Tool, then entered grades in Turnitin do not transfer to the Schoology Gradebook.
- How can I see previous student submissions? Unfortunately, you can't. You can only see the most current submission. Hopefully Schoology/Turnitin will change that.
If you feel like these instructions are not helpful enough, check out the official Schoology article for more details on how to create a proper Turnitin assignment.