
Enroll in Paperless Statements

To enroll in Paperless Pay Statements using the ADP website, follow these instructions.

1. Go to ADP

2. Log in.

  • If you’ve used the previous ADP website, your User ID and Password from that website will work here.
  • If you have never used the previous ADP website, click on Register Here and create your account. For help creating your ADP account, click here: Create and ADP Account


3. When you log in, you’ll be directed to the Home Page. To set up Paperless Pay Statements, click on Myself, then Pay, then Pay Statements.


4. At the Pay Statements page, click on Go Paperless.


5. At the Select Options page, check mark the box to Access Pay Statements online and click Next.


6. At the Accept Agreement page, check mark the box to Agree and click Next.


7. At the Confirmation page, you’ll see a confirmation number in a pdf document. Scroll down to the bottom of the web page, not the pdf document page, so that you can see the confirmation number box. Enter the confirmation number from the pdf document into the confirmation number box and click Next.


8. That’s it! Click Done to close the window and return to ADP.  You should see your paperless selection saved.


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