
Grade Setup: Apply Term Category Weights

Prior to applying category weights, you MUST have already created gradebook categories. You can check what existing categories you already have for each semester here. Note: These instructions are for Term categories (T1) ONLY. To apply T1 or T2 category weights:

  1. Log into PowerTeacher Pro.
  2. Click on SettingsScreen_Shot_2017-12-04_at_9.17.19_AM.png
  3. Click Traditional Grade Calculations.
  4. Make sure the class you want to set up category weights for is selected (the reporting term details for the class will expand when selected).
  5. Click the actions icon Screen_Shot_2017-12-04_at_9.18.27_AM.png in the T1 Reporting term.
  6. In the left Type column, change Total Points to Category Weighting in the dropdown menu.
  7. Select the category in the Attributes column.
  8. Enter the category weight in the Weight column. To add additional categories, click the plus button Screen_Shot_2017-12-04_at_9.23.14_AM.png in the upper right and follow steps 6-8 again. 


  9. Make sure your weights all add up to 100.
  10. Click Save.
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