
Grade Setup: Apply Semester Weights

Semester weights (S) are different from category/term weights (T) because this is what separates the final weight (E) -- typically between 10 to 15% of the overall grade -- from the non-final weight.

Please note: These steps ONLY apply if your setup is not Term=85% and Final=15% (as this is the default for PowerTeacher Pro users).


To apply semester weights:

  1. Navigate to PowerTeacher Pro and click on SettingsScreen_Shot_2017-11-30_at_10.40.52_AM.png
  2. Click on Traditional Grade Calculations.
  3. Click on the course you want to set up.

  4. Select the pencil icon under S1 actions. Screen_Shot_2017-11-30_at_10.45.14_AM.png
  5. Make sure Term Weighting is selected for "Type". Then enter a Weight for Term (T1 or T2), and enter a Weight for Exam (E1 or E2).
  6. Click Save.

Click here to learn how to set category weights.

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