
Subscribe to the O'Dowd Events Calendar

Subscribing to the O'Dowd Events Calendar is a great way to view events happening at Bishop O'Dowd High School, without having to to the website each time.

  1. Click here to subscribe to the O'Dowd Events Calendar using Google Calendar. After you click the link, you should see the O'Dowd Events Calendar in a new window or tab. At the bottom-right of the calendar, click on the + button.
  2. Next, your own Google Calendar will load, and you'll see a message asking if you want to add this calendar.  Click Yes, add this calendar.
  3. If successful, you should see the O'Dowd Events Calendar listed under Other Calendars:

    You should also see O'Dowd Events shown on the calendar:
For questions about adding or changing Calendar Events, please contact Vincent Jurgens (
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