You can use an email address or username to login, depending on how your account was set up. See below for instructions:
Email Login
- Go to Schoology.
- Click on the Login area on the top menu.
- Enter your Email Address and Password.
- Your email address will be your Bishop O'Dowd email address.
- Your password will be capital BOD followed by your 5-digit student ID number. For example: BOD12345 if your ID number was 12345.
4. Click Login.
Username Login
- Go to Schoology.
- Click on the Login area on the top menu.
- Enter your Username, Password, and the name of your school (As you type, a menu will appear that allows you to select your school).
- Select your school.
- Click Login.
Note: Users who do not have an email address associated with their account will not be able to reset their password using the Forgot your password link.