
Basics: Logging in to Schoology

You can use an email address or username to login, depending on how your account was set up. See below for instructions:

Email Login

  1. Go to Schoology.
  2. Click on the Login area on the top menu.
  3. Enter your Email Address and Password.
  • Your email address will be your Bishop O'Dowd email address.
  • Your password will be capital BOD followed by your 5-digit student ID number.  For example: BOD12345 if your ID number was 12345.

      4.  Click Login.



Username Login

  1. Go to Schoology.
  2. Click on the Login area on the top menu.
  3. Enter your Username, Password, and the name of your school (As you type, a menu will appear that allows you to select your school).
  4. Select your school.
  5. Click Login.


Note: Users who do not have an email address associated with their account will not be able to reset their password using the Forgot your password link.

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