
Navigation: Home Page

Your Home Page is the first place you'll land every time you log in to Schoology. It briefs you on activity in your school, courses, and groups. It also keeps you organized by showing important upcoming events and assignments.


Recent_Activity.PNG Recent Activity

By default, you land on the Recent Activity feed when you login. This feed shows all comments and updates pertaining to your courses and groups. To filter your feed to view only Updates, Polls, or Blog posts, click on the Most Recent link on the top corner, and select a filtering option.



The Upcoming area on the right side of your Home page displays events, assignments, tests/quizzes, and discussions with a due date. Hovering over each item will display the course or group associated with the item.

You may access your personal Calendar by clicking on the Calendar link on the upper right of Upcoming. For more information about your personal calendar, please see the information below.


Grades_and_Attendance.PNG Grades and Attendance

By selecting the Grades/Attendance tab in the left menu of your Home Page, you can see a breakdown of your grades and attendance for each course. Click on a specific course to view each graded item, your Grade, the Max Points, and any Comments from the instructor.

You may also download a Student Report by clicking on the button in the top right of the page.


Calendar.PNG Calendar

The calendar located on the left menu of your Home page is an aggregate of personal, school, group, and course items. The calendar is a great way to keep track of your workload and stay up-to-date with past and upcoming items.

Create personal events

You can add personal events to your calendar from your personal calendar, located on the left column of the Home Page. If you're an administrator or teacher of a school, course, or group, you can create events for each of these areas by clicking into a particular school, course or group.

To create an event, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Calendar tab in the left column of your Home Page.
  2. Click on the date to which you'd like to add the event.
  3. Fill out the Event form.
  4. Choose a RSVP option (depending on the settings in place at your school, this option may not be available to you).
    • Disabled—Requires no RSVP. This event will only be viewed by you.
    • Only Invitees Can RSVP—Event remains personal until you invite people you’re connected with.
    • Anyone Can RSVP—Make the event public (available to anyone).
    • Attach a File, Link, or Resource (optional).
    • You can Enable Comments at the bottom left (optional).
  5. Click Create to complete.

Edit an event

To modify an existing event, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the event you'd like to modify.
  2. Click on the button to Edit Item.
  3. Once you've completed making changes, click the button to Save Changes.

Delete an event

To delete an event, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the event you'd like to delete.
  2. Click on the View Item button.
  3. Click on the gear to the right of the event profile.
  4. Select Delete to complete the process.

Note: If you choose to create an Event with an invitation from your Home Page, you must invite everyone manually.


Messages.PNG Messages

Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may be able to receive messages from teachers at your school, and send messages to teachers at your school.

Check New Messages

When you have a new message in your inbox, the Messages icon on the top menu will display a new number. You'll also see a number next to the Messages area on the left menu of your Home page.

  1. Navigate to your Messages area by clicking on the icon on the top menu, or by clicking on the Messages area on the left menu of your Home Page.
  2. Click on the message you'd like to read. New messages will be highlighted in blue.
  3. To reply to a message, enter a comment in the Message area, and click Send.

Check Sent Messages

  1. Navigate to your Messages area by clicking on the icon on the top menu, or by clicking on the Messages area on the left menu of your Home Page.
  2. Click the on the Sent Messages tab.
  3. To read a message, click on a message you've sent in the past.
  4. To send a message, click on the +New Message button.
  5. Fill out the form, and click Send to complete.

Note: A recipient name will automatically populate when you enter a teacher's name into the To field. Please wait for the auto-population. If you're not able to send a message to peers or certain users, please talk to your teacher for further advice.

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