Personal Resources
My Resources is your own personal library of documents that you create in Schoology or download from other sites. It's easy to organize, create, and copy/move your resources right from the My Resources page. By saving your documents in this personal library, you'll be able to access them for years to come and use them in any courses you take in the future.
To view your resources, click the Resources area at the top of the page and select Personal Resources.
Add Collections
Collections are like containers that store folders and files in your Resources, to help you organize your work. They are located in the left menu of your Personal Resources.
To add a collection, follow these steps:
- Select the Resources dropdown from the top menu.
- Click on Personal Resources.
- Click the Add Collection Icon (the grey box with a green and white plus sign).
- Title your new collection.
- Click Create to finish.
Organize Collections
There is a dropdown menu located next to the Collection Icon that allows you to Reorder collections. This option allows you to arrange the order of your collections. Click on the arrow that appears next to the collection and drag the collection to your desired location. Don’t forget to save!
The dropdown menu that appears when you hover over a collection (excluding Home) allows you to Rename and Delete the collection. Please note that deletion of a collection cannot be undone.
Add Resources to Collections
To Add Resources, follow these steps:
- Select the Resources dropdown menu at the top of the page.
- Click Personal Resources in the dropdown.
- Click on the collection to which you'd like to add resources, or simply add to your Home collection.
- Click the Add Resources button located at the top of the page.
- Select the type of resource you would like to add.
- Folder
- File
- Links
Edit Resources
There is a Gear Icon to the right of every resource. The Gear Icon allows you to Edit, Move, Copy, or Delete a resource.
- Edit—This option allows you to change the title of your resource.
- Copy to—This option allows you to "copy and paste" the resource into another location in your Resources.
- Move to—This option allows you to "cut and paste" the resource into another location in your Resources.
- Delete—This option allows you to delete the resource from your Resources. This action cannot be undone.
Note: The options to Copy to, Move to, and Delete are also located in the Edit button that appears after you check a box next to a resource in a collection. Selecting multiple checkboxes allow for bulk actions.
You will find even more tools to organize your resources within the Options dropdown menu at the top center of the page. Some options are only available for your Collections, while other options are available after clicking into a particular Folder. These options allow you to:
- Reorder—You can change the order of your Folders, Files, and Links. Click on the arrow that appears next to the resource and drag it to your desired location. Don’t forget to click Submit at the bottom.
- Auto-arrange—Schoology will automatically arrange your items for you! Please note that this option arranges all of the resources in a collection; checked-boxes do not apply.
- Rename Collection—This option allows you to change the name of the collection.
- Delete Collection—This options allows you to delete your collection. This action cannot be undone.
Google Drive
Your Google Docs can behave similarly to a collection. To sync your Google Docs as a collection in Resources, click on the Google Connect button found under your Account Settings. Once your account is linked, you can submit Google Docs into Assignment Dropboxes in your courses.
Your Home and additional collections hold all of the folders, files, and links uploaded to your Resources area. To access the contents of a collection, simply click on the collection located under My Resources.
Group Resources
Group Resources displays a list of all groups to which you belong, as well as your School Resources. If you’re not yet a member of any groups, or if you haven’t yet selected your school, the list of resources will appear empty.
Add Group Resources
Depending on the settings in the group, you may see an Add Resources button in certain groups. To add resources, follow these steps:
- Select the Resources dropdown menu at the top of the page.
- Click Personal Resources in the dropdown.
- Click on the Group to which you'd like to add resources.
- Click the Add Resources button located at the top of the page.
- Select the type of resource you would like to add.
- Folder
- File
- Links
Copy Group Resources
If you like a resource, and you'd like to copy it to your own resources, follow these steps:
- Click on the gear to the right of the resource.
- Select the option to Copy to.