
VoiceOver (Mac)

Mac OS X features VoiceOver, a spoken English interface that gives the visually impaired, or those with learning disabilities, a new way to interact with their Macs. With it, your Mac can read web pages and text documents out loud. It also provides an audible cues of your workspace and activities taking place on your computer.

To get around your Mac, you use your keyboard instead of your mouse. You can press buttons, move sliders, select and deselect checkboxes, and more. Here's how to enable VoiceOver on your Mac.



VoiceOver allows the visually impaired to interact with a Mac through spoken words.

  1. From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.

  2. Click Universal Access to displays its preferences.

  3. Click the Seeing tab, then select the On radio button below VoiceOver to enable it.

  4. Click the Open VoiceOver Utility button to customize VoiceOver for you (or someone you know). You can adjust how your Mac speaks, how to track and navigate, and more.

Tip: Want to learn more about VoiceOver? Check out the built-in Mac Help guide on your Mac (in the Finder, choose Mac Help from the Help menu and type VoiceOver in the search field).

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