Question banks allow you to create a repository of test questions in your Resources. You can create Question Banks from Personal and Group Resources.
To create a question bank, follow these steps:
- Click on the Resources area on the top menu, and select the option for Personal or Group resources.
- Click into the collection or group in which you'd like to add a question bank.
- Click on the Add Resources button.
- Select the option to Add Question Bank.
- Enter a name for the Question Bank, and click Create to complete.
To add questions from Resources, follow these steps:
- Click on a Question Bank in your Resources.
- Click the button to Add Question.
- Select from the following question types in Schoology:
- True/False
- Multiple Choice
- Short-Answer/Essay Questions
- Fill in the Blank
- Matching
- Fill out the question form.
- Click Create Question to complete.
Note: Importing a course may also import question banks from the course.
Create Question Banks and add questions from within a Course
If you already have a test/quiz with questions in a course, you can add these questions to Question Banks.
To create Question banks from within a course, follow these steps:
- Click on the Courses area on the top menu, and select a course with tests/quizzes.
- Click on a test/quiz whose questions you'd like to save in a question bank.
- To add all questions to a question bank, click on the Options button in the Questions tab.
- Select the option to Add Questions to Bank.
- To add a select question to a question bank, click on the gear to the right of the question.
- Select the option to Add to Bank.
- To create a new question bank to house the question(s), choose the option to create a New Question Bank.
- To add the question to an existing question bank, find the bank from within the options available in the menu.
- Click Add Questions to complete.
Add questions from a Question Bank to a Test/Quiz
Once you have a Question Bank in Schoology, you can build tests/quizzes with questions from the banks.
To add questions to a test/quiz, follow these steps:
- Create a test/quiz, or click on the name of test/quiz into which you'd like to add questions.
- In the Questions tab of the test/quiz, click on the Add Question button.
- Select the option to import From Question Banks.
- Click on the Question Bank from which you'd like to import questions.
- Select the box next to the question(s) you'd like to import. To import all questions, select the box next to the Auto-select button.
- To randomly select questions from the bank, click on the Auto-select button.
- Enter the number of questions you'd like to add to the test. This number cannot exceed the number of questions available in the bank.
- Click on the Randomize Questions button to complete.
- This feature adds a set number of questions to the test/quiz, and each student in the course will see the same set of questions.
- Enter a value in the field to the right to set a value for each question. To set a point value of each question in bulk, click the Set Points button.
- Click Add Questions to complete.