
Resources: Question Banks


Question banks allow you to create a repository of test questions in your Resources. You can create Question Banks from Personal and Group Resources.

To create a question bank, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Resources area on the top menu, and select the option for Personal or Group resources.
  2. Click into the collection or group in which you'd like to add a question bank.
  3. Click on the Add Resources button.
  4. Select the option to Add Question Bank.
  5. Enter a name for the Question Bank, and click Create to complete.

To add questions from Resources, follow these steps:

  1. Click on a Question Bank in your Resources.
  2. Click the button to Add Question.
  3. Select from the following question types in Schoology:
    • True/False
    • Multiple Choice
    • Short-Answer/Essay Questions
    • Fill in the Blank
    • Matching
  4. Fill out the question form.
  5. Click Create Question to complete.

Note: Importing a course may also import question banks from the course.


Create Question Banks and add questions from within a Course

If you already have a test/quiz with questions in a course, you can add these questions to Question Banks.

To create Question banks from within a course, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Courses area on the top menu, and select a course with tests/quizzes.
  2. Click on a test/quiz whose questions you'd like to save in a question bank.
  3. To add all questions to a question bank, click on the Options button in the Questions tab.
  4. Select the option to Add Questions to Bank.
  5. To add a select question to a question bank, click on the gear to the right of the question.
  6. Select the option to Add to Bank.
  7. To create a new question bank to house the question(s), choose the option to create a New Question Bank.
  8. To add the question to an existing question bank, find the bank from within the options available in the menu.
  9. Click Add Questions to complete.


Add questions from a Question Bank to a Test/Quiz

Once you have a Question Bank in Schoology, you can build tests/quizzes with questions from the banks.

To add questions to a test/quiz, follow these steps:

  1. Create a test/quiz, or click on the name of test/quiz into which you'd like to add questions.
  2. In the Questions tab of the test/quiz, click on the Add Question button.
  3. Select the option to import From Question Banks.
  4. Click on the Question Bank from which you'd like to import questions.
  5. Select the box next to the question(s) you'd like to import. To import all questions, select the box next to the Auto-select button.
  6. To randomly select questions from the bank, click on the Auto-select button.
    • Enter the number of questions you'd like to add to the test. This number cannot exceed the number of questions available in the bank.
    • Click on the Randomize Questions button to complete.
    • This feature adds a set number of questions to the test/quiz, and each student in the course will see the same set of questions.
  7. Enter a value in the field to the right to set a value for each question. To set a point value of each question in bulk, click the Set Points button.
  8. Click Add Questions to complete.
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