- Log in to Schoology.
- Navigate to a class.
- Click on the Turnitin app located on the left-side navigation menu.
- All dropbox-enabled assignments are available to view.
- Click on the Sync button to process student submissions through Turnitin's system.
- When all of the assignment submissions have been synced, you can view the originality report.
Note: Only papers submitted in a Turnitin-acceptable file type will be synced. If a student has submitted a paper in an unacceptable file type, have them resubmit it. - Click on the TITLE of an assignment to view the student submissions. To view the originality report for a student submission, click on the arrow icon next to a student's name. You will see the Similarity percentage as well as the revision count.
- Click on View report to view the Originality report (in a pop-up window).
- To set filters and other settings, click on the filters icon located at the bottom right of the Turnitin popup window.
Note: Filters and Settings are applied to each individual paper submission. - To switch to another student paper, click on the paper navigation arrows located at the top right of the Turnitin popup window.
Notes: Originality filters such as excluding quotes and bibliography can be set by each submission, not assignment-wide.