
Grading: Schoology Integration with

  1. Log in to Schoology.
  2. Navigate to a class.
  3. Click on the Turnitin app located on the left-side navigation menu.

  4. All dropbox-enabled assignments are available to view.

  5. Click on the Sync button to process student submissions through Turnitin's system.

  6. When all of the assignment submissions have been synced, you can view the originality report.  
    Note: Only papers submitted in a Turnitin-acceptable file type will be synced.  If a student has submitted a paper in an unacceptable file type, have them resubmit it.
  7. Click on the TITLE of an assignment to view the student submissions.  To view the originality report for a student submission, click on the arrow icon next to a student's name.  You will see the Similarity percentage as well as the revision count.
  8. Click on View report to view the Originality report (in a pop-up window).

  9. To set filters and other settings, click on the filters icon located at the bottom right of the Turnitin popup window.
    Note: Filters and Settings are applied to each individual paper submission.

  10. To switch to another student paper, click on the paper navigation arrows located at the top right of the Turnitin popup window.

Notes: Originality filters such as excluding quotes and bibliography can be set by each submission, not assignment-wide.

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