
Grading: Rubrics

Create custom Rubrics to grade your Assignments. Rubrics allow you to create a standard of performance for your students. To add a rubric, follow these steps:

  1. Select Gradebook in the left menu of the Course Profile.
  2. Select Grade Setup directly underneath Gradebook.

  3. Click the Add button in the upper right in the Grading Scales section.


  4. Select the Rubric option and fill out the form.
    • Enter a name for the rubric.
    • Create titles and descriptions for each criteria.
    • To add additional rows of criteria, click on the +Criteria button.
    • To add additional columns to the scale, hover over the cell and click on the + icon that appears to the left and right of each cell.
    • To remove a row or column, hover over the cell and click on the x icon that appears in the upper right.
    • To reorder the rows, click on the double bars to the left and drag it to the appropriate location.
    • Use the menu items on the upper left to close or hide the rubric.
    • The Total Pts for the rubric will automatically adjust as you add rows and columns.
  5. To create a rubric using learning objectives or standards, click on the Alignments link next to Criteria.

  6. Click Create to complete.

Note: You may create a rubric using either custom criteria or alignments, but you cannot create a rubric that contains both.

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