
Cisco Phone: Change Voicemail

To change voicemail if you have a personal office phone:

  1. Lift handset
  2. Press the messages button (envelope icon)
  3. Enter your pin followed by #
  4. For setup options, press 4
  5. To change greetings, press 1. Message settings
  6. To change voicemail, press 1. 
  7. Standard greeting 1. Alternate greeting 2. Edit other greetings 3. Play all greetings 4. 
  8. Change greeting 1. 
  9. Record your message at tone then press #
To change voicemail if you have a shared office phone:
  1. Lift handset
  2. Dial 9-1(510)577-9100
  3. Press *
  4. Enter ID followed by #
  5. Enter your pin followed by #
  6. For setup options, press 4
  7. To change greetings, press 1. Message settings
  8. To change voicemail, press 1. 
  9. Standard greeting 1. Alternate greeting 2. Edit other greetings 3. Play all greetings 4. 
  10. Change greeting 1. 
  11. Record your message at tone then press #
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