October 26, 2023
Remember the days when we had to print out Mapquest directions and visualize when to 'turn left in 200 feet' while scrutinizing the microscropic street names on a AAA map? Thank goodness those days are over. Chances are, AI has enhanced your day-to-day life in some way through GPS, email, Netflix, Spotify, Google Calendar, or more.
As working professionals, we can leverage AI to:
- Grasp the basic gist of a topic quickly. Prompt: Explain [insert topic] to a 5-year-old
- Proofread emails. Prompt: Proofread [copy and paste text].
- Craft an outline. Prompt: Create an outline for [insert topic].
- Generate a presentation or document on any topic. Available for current Canva Premium users!
- Transcribe and summarize Zoom meetings with tl;dv
O'Dowd teachers are using AI to:
- Generate all kinds of test questions (including all the incorrect answers for multiple choice questions!)
- Generate comprehensive lesson plans with openers, activities, discussions, exit tickets, and more.
- Generate test questions by level of complexity. Prompt: Generate level 3 taxonomy questions about [insert topic].
- Engage students with interactive learning. Prompt: Explain [insert topic] in an interactive "choose your own adventure" form.
If you use an AI tool that's not listed above, let us know in the discussion here. Remember that AI can support what you do, but it is not you. While it can offer significant benefits, there are also concerns related to overuse, privacy, data security, and the potential for bias. Consider the following:
- Whose perspectives have you not considered?
- Is the information accurate?
- How and when do we attribute credit?
The questions above are also helpful when deciding whether or not to use AI in the classroom. If you are unsure of how to approach the conversation of AI and academic integrity with your students, please refer to this slidedeck shared by Julia Hollinger (jhollinger@bishopodowd.org) at the beginning of the school year.
Your Instructional Technologists,
Stephanie Eusebio & Kat Muñoz