
Can I Actually AI Proof My Test? (11-16-2023)

November 16, 2023

Tl;dr, yes. If you ask the right questions and understand the weaknesses of AI, we believe it is possible to develop AI-resistant tests. While we recognize that traditional tests are still necessary at times, we hope these tips will help you assess your students. After asking your colleagues, here's what we found:

  • Ask a question that requires students to reference course readings, class discussions, video segments, etc.
    • Ex: Show students a video, then quiz them: What do you believe is the most important circumstance and consequence in Person A's decision?
    • Ex: On pages 84-86 of your textbook, the authors discuss three major challenges facing the US healthcare system. Which do you think is the top priority to address? How do you see your future career impacted by this top priority you've selected?
    • Ex: Select one of the four articles to read, and explain how it is connected to the economics of the slave trade.
  • Keep the assignment low stakes. Minimize the pressure of a "right answer", and focus on the learning process rather than the final product.
  • Have students connect concepts. Assign non-linear group projects that requires students to put concepts together to make a claim or argument.
  • Ask questions related to current events post-Jan 2022. This was when ChatGPT was last updated (as of 11/13/23).

Here are examples of "harder-to-cheat" questions that require minimal grading on Schoology:

  • Label a picture.
    • Ex: Students watch a video. Screenshot a part of the video, then instruct students to label part of the screenshot with the drag-and-drop question type.
  • Match definitions. Instead of using multiple choice, try using a drag-and-drop question type.
  • Try out Class Companion (not on Schoology, but it's free)! This system will autograde free-response questions and provide personalized student feedback in real-time. To prevent cheating, we recommend following the tips from first 4 bulletpoints above when designing your test questions.

Thank you to the teachers who contributed their ideas and are helping us to better understand this new educational landscape. If you have more tips to add, let us know here.

As always, if you have any questions about the tips covered above, please email us to ask a question or schedule a meeting. 

Your Instructional Technologists,
Stephanie Eusebio & Kat Muñoz 

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