
PowerTeacher: Identify a course's term from your landing page

This tutorial will help you identify the term (S1 or S2) of any course on your PowerTeacher landing page. 

  1. Log in to PowerSchool. On your landing page, you should see a list of your courses for the whole year. The top of the course list will either read "Fall Classes" or "Spring Classes", which is not accurate since your entire year is visible.
  2.  To identify which semester a certain course belongs to, right-click on the PowerTeacher Pro link under the course name, then select Open Link in New Tab.Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 9.35.17 AM.png
  3. It will take you to the course view in PowerTeacher Pro. On the top-center bar, you should see the course name, period, and the semester. See below: Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 9.36.21 AM.png
  4. From there, you can go back to the landing page if you need to.
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