
Set Up Recurring Payments

Instead of heading to MySchoolBucks each time the lunch balance sinks below the warning threshold, set up automatic payments to reload whenever a certain balance is obtained, or even use it to set a monthly budget to hold yourself to. To set up recurring payments, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into MySchoolBucks.
  2. Click on AutoPay Off to directly access AutoPay setup.
  3. Choose whether you would like to make payments each time the account dips below a certain dollar amount, or if you would like to set payments to be made on a regular schedule.
    Dollar amount options:
    Regular schedule options (can be every week, every two weeks, every three weeks, monthly):
  4. Enter the rest of your information, including a payment option, then click Continue.
    Note: Your credit card or banking account will save in the system.
  5. Confirm your settings are correct, then click Complete Setup.
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