Follow Create Classes and Add Students

Before any assignments can be created, you must create your classes and add your students so they can view their work. Follow these instructions to create your classes:

  1. Log into
  2. On the Classes dashboard, click +New Class.
  3. Enter a Class name and choose "Bishop O'Dowd High School" as the School association. Click Create Class.
  4. You will see the class appear on the Classes dashboard. Next, click Invite Students to view the dropdown menu of options. We have three options available to us: "Invite by email" (which contains a CSV upload option) or "Display class code".

Upload CSV

  1. Create an Excel or Google Sheets file that lists student emails in a single column. Alternatively, download a template by clicking on the question mark, then clicking Download CSV Template.
  2. Copy and paste the student email addresses from PowerTeacher. Make sure that the email addresses are in one column.
  3. Upload the CSV by clicking Choose... and select the correct file. This will auto-add students.

Display class code

Project the class code to your students and have them follow the onscreen directions (boxed in red).


Invite by email (not recommended)

Copy and paste student emails from PowerTeacher, click Add, then click Send Invitations. This is not recommended because it is harder to enforce compliance outside of the classroom, especially when emails can be filtered to spam, rejected, etc. Consider uploading a CSV instead (see above).


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