To create an assignment in PowerSchool and score it, follow these steps:
- Log into PowerSchool then click to access PowerTeacher Pro.
- Make sure you are in the class that the assignment is for. In the top right corner, click the plus sign, then click Assignment.
- Complete the following required sections:
a. Select which classes you would like the assignment to appear in--great if you have multiple sections of the same course.
b. Title the assignment. Use a clear title--it is best to match or closely resemble the title from Schoology.
c. Select the grading category.
d. Select the due date.
e. Type in the point value.
f. Click Save and Close. - The assignment has been created. To score the assignment, click on the title.
Alternatively, click on Grading: Scoresheet to access the grade book view of all assignments. This is ideal when scoring multiple assignments at once.
Want to check out some grading shortcuts? Click here for more info.