When hosting a Zoom meeting, you can view and manage all participants from the participants screen. We recommend that you keep the Zoom participants panel open during your Zoom meeting.
Open Participants
During a meeting, click on the Participants icon to open the Participants panel.
Options for Each Participant
To access options for a single participant, hover over a name and click on the More button to access options like these:
- Mute/(Ask to) Unmute: Mute or unmute the participant.
- Pin: Pin this participant's video in your view. This will not affect other views.
- Spotlight for Everyone: Spotlight this participant so that all participants view their video with priority. A host can spotlight up to nine people.
- Rename: Rename the participant.
- Put in Waiting Room: Move participant into waiting room.
Options for All Participants
At the very bottom of the participants panel, you can invite more participants, mute all participants, and you can also click on the triple dots to adjust settings for the meeting.
There are many more controls available in the participants tab. For more information about managing participants during a Zoom meeting, click here.
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